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Show Incompletes: View partial data for people who quit mid-survey
Show Incompletes: View partial data for people who quit mid-survey

View data captured from participants who completed at least one question before quitting your survey or leaving it idle for >24 hours.

Daniel Kyne avatar
Written by Daniel Kyne
Updated over 7 months ago

๐Ÿ‘‰ Incomplete Surveys is available to users on the Analyze tier or higher.

All OpinionX surveys are designed to capture data from every participant automatically. By default, your results page will only show data from participants that reached the "Finish Page" at the end of your survey, however, customers on the Analyze tier or higher can toggle the "Show Incompletes" setting to show data from participants who quit before reaching the end of your survey. Here's an example of that toggle in action:

Some details about this feature:

  1. OpinionX only started to capture partial completion data for all surveys from August 14th 2024 onwards, so this functionality will not work retroactively on participants who quit mid-survey prior to this date.

  2. Surveys are only considered started once the first question has been answered. Data is only captured on page progression (ie. if the participant writes a long answer for a Text Response block but quits before going to the next step, only survey data from questions prior to that Text Response block will be included in their "incomplete" profile.

  3. The default timeframe for converting an in-progress survey to an "incomplete" state is 24 hours (this period is not currently customizable).

  4. Once 24 hours have passed after the first question has been answered, the survey will be converted to an "incomplete" state. During those 24 hours, any in-progress participants will not count towards the "Incompletes" number shown on your Results Overview page or the related stats (such as "Completion Rate").

  5. During those 24 hours, a participant can resume their existing survey by using the same browser as before or, if applicable, reopening the survey via their unique link.

  6. Conversion of an in-progress session to an "incomplete" profile after 24 hours is irreversible; any participant who tries to resume their original survey session after those 24 hours have elapsed will start that survey again from the beginning.

  7. Any incomplete participant profile will show up on your results page with a red circle beside their participant number (eg. Participant 21 ๐Ÿ”ด).

  8. If you have the "Show Incompletes?" toggle active and export your survey data, the .csv document will include data from partial completion profiles too.

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