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Survey Roles: How To Invite Teammates To Collaborate On Your OpinionX Survey
Survey Roles: How To Invite Teammates To Collaborate On Your OpinionX Survey
Updated over a week ago

What are the different Survey Roles on OpinionX?

OpinionX surveys have two different roles:

  1. Editor: Has full access to survey Setup, Results and Settings tabs.

  2. Viewer: Has view-only access to the Results tab, nothing else.

Surveys can have an unlimited number of Viewers added as collaborators, but there is a limit to the number of Editors you can add depending on the pricing tier you're on:

  • Free Tier = 2 Editors

  • Ask Tier = 2 Editors

  • Analyze Tier = 3 Editors

  • Accelerate Tier = 5 Editors

You can add additional Editor Seats for $10/month, which increases your limit across all surveys in your workspace (past and future surveys included) for this fixed rate per seat.

How do I invite teammates work with me on my survey?

Open your survey, go to the Settings tab, and scroll down to the "Add Your Team" card where you can invite Go to the survey you'd like to add them to, open the Survey Settings tab, add their email address, and hit send.

Can I add my teammates to my account so that they can collaborate with me on *all* my surveys?

Yes! Invite anyone to join your workspace and they'll automatically become a "Viewer" on all your past and future surveys. You can choose who to bump up to "Editor" to work alongside you on setting up, moderating, and analyzing your survey.

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