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Rating Scale: Measure people's preferences using a numerical scale
Rating Scale: Measure people's preferences using a numerical scale
Daniel Kyne avatar
Written by Daniel Kyne
Updated over 4 months ago

The Rating Scale block is a simple way to collect numerical or scaled data from participants on OpinionX. It consists of a question/statement, a numerical scale of clickable options, and optional labels to help participants understand what the scale represents.

Rating Scale Setup

Go to your survey "Setup" tab, click the + Add Block button and select Rating Scale. Add a question or statement to the main text field and choose what the low and high ends of your numerical scale should be. You can add optional text labels which appear at the top and bottom of the scale, such as Worst ↔️ Best or Least Important ↔️ Most Important.

You can also use the "Answer Branching" block setting to send your survey participants to different parts of your survey depending on their answer. For example in the screenshot below, anyone who answers 1, 2, or 3 on the rating scale will be sent to the Finish Page:

Rating Scale Results

Your Rating Scale results are automatically calculated and shown on the Results Overview page as a bar chart, along with a Mean and Median result. This is the default results format for all users on all pricing plans (including the free tier).

The answers that participants select for a Rating Scale question can be used to filter, compare or segment your results. For example, you can filter your results page by clicking any bar on the Rating Scale bar chart to see how the ranked results change if you only look at people who picked 5/5.

For more info about segmentation analysis, check out our guide to segmentation on OpinionX.

Quick facts about Rating Scale blocks

  • The scale can be up to 20 numbers long.

  • It can include negative numbers as well as positive ones.

  • Zero can be counted as a number on the scale.

  • It has to be a continuous numerical scale (ie. you can't skip numbers).

  • You can set either end of the scale as the positive / negative side.

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