Every OpinionX survey is made up of blocks. Each block corresponds to a step in an OpinionX survey. In total, there are 11 different blocks available for OpinionX surveys. Each paragraph below includes a link to a deep dive guide on that block.
Ranking Blocks
Pair Rank: Ranks your list of text options via a series of head-to-head pair votes. Suited for surveys with 10 or more opinions to rank. [Guide]
Order Rank: Participants drag-and-drop a list of opinions into your order of preference. Best suited for ranking 10 of fewer opinions. [Guide]
Points Rank: Participants are given a pool of points to allocate however they choose among your list of options. [Guide]
Image Rank: Uses head-to-head pair votes to turn your images into a ranked list. [Guide]
Agreement Rank: Measure group consensus by asking participants to vote Agree, Disagree or Skip for each opinion. [Guide]
Best/Worst Rank: Participants select the best and worst choices from a set of 3-6 options out of your total ranking list, multiple times. Commonly known as MaxDiff Analysis. [Guide]
Profile Rank: Unlike our other ranking methods, Profile Rank is for when you're trying to rank a list of categories (brand, price, size) as well as options within each category (eg. for size: small, medium, large). Commonly known as Conjoint Analysis. [Guide]
Survey Blocks
Multiple Choice: Select one or many options from a list. Can later be used to split your participants into different segments. [Guide]
Rating Scale: Shows a numerical range of options for participants to choose from, eg. rate your satisfaction with our service from 0-10. Can later be used for segmentation. [Guide]
Text Response: Collect text responses from participants. You can also add these responses to any ranking block list. [Guide]
Number Response: Collect customized answers from participants but only in numerical format, ie. numbers and symbols such as .,+- [Guide]
Identify: Collect data that identifies who your participant is, such as their email, name, username, phone number, or custom ID. Can be made optional or mandatory. [Guide]
Header: Display a text message in between survey sections, for example to help set clear breaks between ranking blocks. [Guide]
Default Blocks
Welcome Page: The first page that a participant sees when they open your survey. Display any image, title and subtitle to welcome them.